ConvoScience: Dating Turkey Dinosaurs

I know, it's an odd title for an episode of Conversation in Science, but it was an honest one. Jessie Sanders, my producer, was doing some research for one of her other shows, looking up some of the latest news about Turkey — not the gobble, gobble type, but the country. Well, in her research, she encountered an article about dinosaurs the size of turkeys discovered in Australia. Of course, she fired the article my way, but it sparked a whole new topic for Conversations in Science.

How does one actually date a turkey dinosaur?

How to Date a Turkey Dinosaur
(First aired on KLRNRadio, Monday, February 5, 2018)

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Driving Time

Is driving a thing of the past?

For many of us, getting the driver’s license was a rite of passage. We were counting the days, possibly even minutes, until we were old enough to put in the application and sit that first test. The first time behind the wheel, we bunny hopped down the road, tires squealed, and we flew forward as we put the brake on a little hard. (And in my case, I gave my mother a heart attack and her first gray hair.) When we passed our practicals, it was party time and driving down to our favorite haunts to show off the piece of paper.

However, something has changed. While we were biting on the bit to get our driver’s license, the current generation of youth don’t seem to care.

Who are these children? What am I missing that is the secret to this apathy from the next generation?
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Friendship: A Poem from 1997

I was digging through some old notebook and came across a stack of free-form poetry that I wrote when I was in college. Yes, I dabbled with the poetic verse in my youth. I'm not saying that it's any good, not by a long shot, but for a person who was studying engineering at the time, the emotion still rings through loud and clear.

(Shock horror... An engineer who actually expresses emotions. What is the world coming to?)

I thought I would share with you a piece that was written in 1997.


Friendship is one of the most important things in the world. It forms the foundation of every lasting relationship (no matter what shape it possesses). Without friendship, you lack the trust needed to survive in this crazy world.

Your friendship is like the solid ground under my feet. It keeps me standing strong and tall.

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Book Doctor

Book Doctor: Definitions that make the blood boil.

Okay… Minor confession time. I’ve been working as a freelance editor for the past three years and I’m struggling in a big way to find clients. I have a significant number of followers of my editorial blog, and of my YouTube channel, where I give out hints on working with Scrivener and social media. I’ve been asked to present at various workshops throughout the country. Yet, I’m struggling to turn all these marketing tactics into opportunities to get paid.

Yes, folks, I admit it. I’ve sold out. I write and edit for the money. Don’t get me wrong. I love what I do. I love sinking my head into characters, sparking emotions that I can’t control. I get a buzz out of helping others achieve their dreams. But I still need to be able to put food on the table and a roof over my head. (There’s only so much patience that the husband will have before his goodwill runs out.)

So to that end, I’ve been looking at my editorial website and trying to work out ways to get better SEO attraction. Website design, social media, and SEO. It’s become my thing. The real trick seems to be to find the right buzz word. Well…

I’ve had to succumb to peer pressure. I’ve had to start using the latest buzz word for developmental editing — and I HATE it.

I’m a BOOK DOCTOR. Now I will go sit in the corner and sulk. Here’s why.
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Conversations in Science went Loony over all things Lunar

Supermoon. Blue moon. Blood moon. Wolf moon. Lunar Eclipse.

The full moons of January 2018 are sending all of us a little loony, howling at the moon. Those of us at Conversations in Science were no different. Jessie and I went a little crazy as we spoke about all things LUNAR.

Do you want to know why the next full moon, due to occur on January 31st, is a Red Blue Moon? Take a listen to this month's episode of Conversations in Science to get the lowdown on all the crazy terms that people have for the moon, and what they really mean.

Looney about Lunar happenings
(First aired on KLRNRadio, Monday, January 8, 2018)

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