Judy’s Personal Favourites

Where are the toilets in fiction?

Years ago, in a critique of one of my fictional works, a major plot hole was pointed out to me that involved toileting of all things. You read that right, folks. I had an issue related to the poohs and wees.

So here’s the scenario: two warriors were being held prisoner, their hands and feet bound. Within the original story timeline, they were bound for two weeks, but at least were feed and watered. Not once did the narrative mention anything about the characters being allowed to relieve themselves.

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All writers have to begin somewhere…

When a writer is asked about how they started writing, the answers are varied. However, if one thinks about it, all writers start their journey at a very young age. In school, we all have those creative writing assignments, even if we dread them. Recently, I was challenged to find a piece of writing from those early years. Here is just one of the gems that I found which dates back to 1989, when I was in 3rd Form (8th Grade for those of you in the US). I resisted the urge to edit this piece (and it wasn’t easy), but even in its raw state, it still made me […]

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The Journey Begins…

For the last few days, I have found myself reminiscing over how my journey into writing all began. If I think about it, I have always made up stories. As a child, I would spend hours with a tape recorder making up plays for my Barbies to act out. Yes, I’m really that old. Shame my mother still doesn’t have those tapes. There were probably some real gems on them.

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Sometimes you have to just laugh, or you’ll cry.

There are some mornings that you should just stay in bed. I believe this morning was one of them. This morning, the lovely city of Christchurch woke up to thin layers of ice everywhere. I should probably inform you that my driveway never sees the sun, so every winter, we get ice on the driveway. This morning was no different. My husband had put my truck out on the road (so he could get to his car) which meant the kids and I needed to walk down the slippery drive. My daughter slipped, but luckily stayed upright. We get to the truck and the handles had frozen over. My son […]

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Overwhelmed with choices: What should I use to wipe my ass?

On a recent trip to the grocery store, my husband and I stood in the middle of the isle where you find all the toilet paper, trying to decide what to actually buy. It’s an isle that runs half the length of the store, and my local grocery store is size of a city block. Honestly, how could there be so many choices out there on what we use to wipe our asses with?

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Beauty Tips: New or Old Advice?

While on a recent visit to the hair salon, I decided to actually sit down and look at the many magazines they had. I don’t normally do this. I’m either reading a book, or the work of another writer they asked me to review. But the latest issue of the Next magazine sported an article title that caught my eye: The New Beauty Rules: 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond. So I had to look at what new advice is out there.

I laughed.

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