On a recent trip to the grocery store, my husband and I stood in the middle of the isle where you find all the toilet paper, trying to decide what to actually buy. It’s an isle that runs half the length of the store, and my local grocery store is size of a city block. Honestly, how could there be so many choices out there on what we use to wipe our asses with?
Beauty Tips: New or Old Advice?
Quick note about this article: I write this back in 2015, nearly 10 years ago now. And I still find what I read in this post funny.
While on a recent visit to the hair salon, I decided to actually sit down and look at the many magazines they had. I don’t normally do this. I’m either reading a book, or the work of another writer they asked me to review. But the latest issue of the Next magazine sported an article title that caught my eye: The New Beauty Rules: 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond. So I had to look at what new advice is out there.
I laughed.Read More
Leaving Home (A Poem)
Migrating birds, flying south.
Winter it comes, and they fly south.
Wings spread far and wide,
Scared they’ll fail,
Leaving behind the warmth of the nest.
Her babies migrate for the first time alone.
Nervous and aflutter, she lets them fly.
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