Can’t is an evil word… It shouldn’t exist.

Recently, scrolling through my Twitter feed, I came across a post about the wonderful word can’t.

If you say you cant, you are only bullshitting yourself

(As much as I would have loved to shown you the original tweet, the user has long since left Twitter.)

You ignore the little bit of swearing, but of course I had to reply.Read More

Editing Headaches…

Editing... The dreaded beast seems to have come to haunt me again. Just when I thought I had finished with this manuscript, there it is again. The revisions just go on, and on, and on, and on... Did I mention that they go on and on?

When you're writing, it's the inner critic that whispers sweet little nothings about self-doubt that just won't go away. If you're anything like me, you type so fast that sometimes your brain struggles to keep up; the spelling goes out the window and the autocorrect monster just gobbles up that carefully chosen word... without you noticing!

But the editor in me can't just let a new piece of writing go unchecked. I always go back and reread what I had written after a break (even a break as short as a toilet break). I see the punctuation errors, the grammar flaws, and the faults in the writing itself. I struggle in a big way to shut off the editor brain long enough to actually do any writing.

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The Toilet is Historic…

It's amazing how time just seems to creep by. Before we realise it, months have whizzed by. I feel like that at the moment. So much is going on, and I've only just realised that I still haven't finished my wonderful list of names for toilets. To my readers, I must apologise for this.

Sunrise Comfort Station

Sunrise Comfort Station. Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA (Source: Wikipedia)

In doing my research for this particular post, I was thrown by some of the names for toilets. What I thought was just some joking name, making me laugh, turned out to be a real name with historic traditions associated. On this particular list, it was Comfort Station that surprised me the most.

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I need to go to the Jacks…

Recently, I enjoyed a movie night with my family, watching the 1986 film Short Circuit. I remember going to see this film when it first came out in the cinema. It is filled with humour that all can enjoy. (My dad’s favourite line is, “Great Software.” He’s a computer geek.)

Public toilet sign outside Mansfield Park in Fielding, New Zealand

Public toilet sign outside Mansfield Park in Fielding, New Zealand

Anyway, I have seen this film many times over the years, but I never realised how much toilet humour peppered its lines. One joke in particular I just now understand, and it’s only because of my research into the names for toilet.

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Overwhelmed with choices: What should I use to wipe my ass?

On a recent trip to the grocery store, my husband and I stood in the middle of the isle where you find all the toilet paper, trying to decide what to actually buy. It’s an isle that runs half the length of the store, and my local grocery store is size of a city block. Honestly, how could there be so many choices out there on what we use to wipe our asses with?

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