Migrating birds, flying south.
Winter it comes, and they fly south.
Wings spread far and wide,
Scared they’ll fail,
Leaving behind the warmth of the nest.
Her babies migrate for the first time alone.
Nervous and aflutter, she lets them fly.
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Why I Admire My Mother…
I recently posted a series of posts on Facebook and Twitter entitled Why I Admire My Mother. It was my way of celebrating my mother’s birthday, and telling the world why I love her so much.
So here it is in its entirety:
It’s my mother’s birthday in a few weeks, and I’ve decided to celebrate the amazing woman she is (and to tell her how much I love her) that I would run a series of posts with at least one new reason every day why she is worthy of admiring, including any anecdotes to go with the reasons. She may never see this, unless Dad shows them to her (you hear that Dad… show them to her), and these little tidbits may prove to be more embarrassing for me, but this is all about my Mom. What better place to start than right there.Read More