My Mother at Butterfly Creek

Letter to my mother…

Today is Mother’s Day in New Zealand, and I can guarantee that my mother feels a little under appreciated. She always does at this time of year. Let’s face it. I rarely call, and when I do, the conversations are short. I never visit (she lives in Auckland and I’m in Christchurch). And I never send a present or a card. But I love my mother dearly. Hopefully, she see this and realises that she is in my thoughts every single day, even if I don’t tell her that.Read More

Social Media: Is it the end of society?

Walking through the mall with my children, going to the grocery store, and one thing has become blatantly obvious to me: smartphones are everywhere. And it’s not just the youth.

Not that long ago, my husband, daughter and I decided to enjoy a nice lunch together out.  At the table next to us was a couple in their 60s and both of them were busy texting, or doing whatever, on their smartphones. Even my daughter commented on how they weren’t talking to one another.

“Don’t they like talking with one another, mum?”Read More

At ANZAC, remember all

Today is April 25th. 101 years ago, soldiers from around the world fought on the shores of Gallipoli. Throughout the country, New Zealanders will be attending services commemorating the lives lost in the fight for our freedom.Read More

Musical Support

Many of us have that one special someone in our lives that helps drive us forward. It doesn’t need to be a spouse or partner. It could be a parent, a sibling… a friend. They are the one person that will help you pick up the pieces when your world comes crashing down around you. For me, that one person is my husband.Read More

Editing Headaches…

Editing... The dreaded beast seems to have come to haunt me again. Just when I thought I had finished with this manuscript, there it is again. The revisions just go on, and on, and on, and on... Did I mention that they go on and on?

When you're writing, it's the inner critic that whispers sweet little nothings about self-doubt that just won't go away. If you're anything like me, you type so fast that sometimes your brain struggles to keep up; the spelling goes out the window and the autocorrect monster just gobbles up that carefully chosen word... without you noticing!

But the editor in me can't just let a new piece of writing go unchecked. I always go back and reread what I had written after a break (even a break as short as a toilet break). I see the punctuation errors, the grammar flaws, and the faults in the writing itself. I struggle in a big way to shut off the editor brain long enough to actually do any writing.

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