The Great Star Trek Vs Star Wars Debate

It was incredibly important that I finish out the year in style and the release of Rogue One in cinemas provided me with the perfect opportunity that I couldn't resist. So those of us at KLRNRadio just had to debate the merits of Star Wars and Star Trek on live radio.

Star Wars vs Star Trek
(First aired live on KLRNRadio, Saturday, December 17, 2016)

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Weapons of Star Trek and Star Wars: Some are Just Around the Corner

So the new episode of Conversations in Science has aired but I'm still waiting for the domain transfer to happen. Dilemma: What is a girl to do? Well, stuff it. For the sake of the radio show, I'm posting the related post anyway and I'll worry about possible broken links later.

So here it is:

With the upcoming release of Rogue One, the latest movie in the Star Wars franchise, I couldn't resist doing a show about the weapons in Star Wars. I had written a post about this before for Dan Koboldt's Science in Science Fiction series, but it's just not the same as hearing about it.

Weapons of Star Wars & Star Trek: Fact or Fiction
(First Aired on KLRNRadio, Monday, December 5, 2016)

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Ghostwriting: I won’t do it…

Recently, I was approached by someone to become a ghostwriter for their adult thriller novel. Mixed emotions ran through my system. The initial inquiry was heartfelt with a story of a friend who had recently passed away, resulting in the writer struggling to get her mojo back. I did sympathize, but the fundamental tenants behind ghostwriting to me are just wrong.Read More

Earthquakes and Supermoons

Originally, I had planned an entirely different blog post for this week, something that had nothing to do with science, but sometimes life can change at the drop of a hat.

On November 14, 2016 at 12:02 am (New Zealand Time), an 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck 15 km north-east of Culverden. The coastal town of Kaikoura has been devastated, effectively cut off from any help, but they are not alone. The entire country felt this.

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Removing the twinkle of stars

This month on Conversations in Science, I spoke about something a little more closer to home. I had fun going back to my PhD roots and spoke about what I had spent nearly eight years of my life researching: how one can remove the twinkle from stars.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... Not!
(First Aired on KLRNRadio, Monday, November 7, 2016)

When I was studying for my PhD, it was a little inside joke between my supervisors and myself. Whenever anyone asked what it was we did for a living, we would answer, "We remove the twinkle from stars." The reactions were hilarious. Most people would see it for the joke it was, but there would always be the one person who would get incredibly offended.

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