Books could almost be immortal

I have seen many debates over that last few years about whether the introduction of the eBook has killed the publishing industry. Many have asked whether books are a thing of the past. It’s a valid question, but this is not the first time the question has been asked.

Think about all the old doomsday stories. In many of them, society has been left to flounder, and the knowledge of the past is frequently lost. Reading becomes a lost skill or something that only a select few know. Languages evolve and unless certain knowledge is passed down from generation to generation, history becomes this mysterious thing that none of us understand.Read More

I’m tall, so why do I have to wear heals with jeans?

It’s an age old complaint: clothing designers don’t make clothes for women. I have no idea who they’re making clothing for, perhaps their boyfriends, but it certainly isn’t the average female.

Sorry guys, but I have bumps and curves and most women I know do. What’s worse, I’m actually tall. Yet, I still have to wear high heals with my jeans, just so they don’t drag on the ground.

The most common complaint that I hear from women is about the length of pants. It’s like the clothing manufacturers seem to think that because you’re a larger woman that you’re not just tall, but you’re very tall.Read More

Genetics is about much more than DNA

Regular listeners of Conversations in Science will know that I have a wide breadth of knowledge within the realm of science. Let’s face it, I’m a science geek. However, there are some areas of science where I’m just as much in the dark as those around me. That’s when it’s time to bring in an expert. On this month’s show, I did exactly that.

It was such a pleasure to invite Dan Koboldt to join Jessie and me as we talked about the field of genetics and the genome project. I did have to rein in Jessie’s bizarre questions (something the two of us still laugh about), but I had no idea that the field had progressed to the point it had. It’s not often that I’m left speechless, but Dan succeeded.

Take a listen as Dan explains what a geneticist really does and how our understanding of the human genome had led to amazing advancements in cancer research.

Conversations in Science looks at Genetics
(First aired on KLRNRadio, Monday, March 6, 2017)

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Fires on the Ground, Confusion in the Soul

Regular readers of my blog or social media feeds will know that I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. I’m proud of the city where I live. It just breaks my heart to see my city threatened once again by Mother Nature.

We have had our fair share of natural disasters, mostly in the form of earthquakes (something that I have written about on numerous occasions), but Christchurch is definitely not immune to the ravages of weather.

Flooding from March 2014 meant that many had be to rescued by boat. (Photo: Joseph Johnson/Fairfax NZ)

There was the flooding back in March 2014 were St Albans (the suburb literally on the other side of the main road from me) was evacuated because the water was waist high. My neighbour had flooding in her garage that was ankle deep. Meanwhile, I was nice and dry on my little low-level island.

We’ve had storms with extremely high winds, taking down trees that have stood for nearly 100 years, if not longer, and almost taking out my neighbour’s car as a branch fell across the road right in front of her. There’s been snow that has forced the city to shut for business for the day (and Christchurch doesn’t get snow).

However, in the 17 years that I have lived in Christchurch, I think this is the first time that my home city has come under threat because of a bush fire.
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