I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting really irritated with all of these systems insisting that we use AI… but I'm even more irritated by the fact that I'm being forced to grant permission for the companies to use my data to train their AI systems whether I like it or not.
I'm okay with the idea that AI technologies seem to be the way of the future, but I'm not being given a choice as to whether I use it myself or not… not really. I either stop using a computer altogether or I have to lump it and just let the big companies do what they want with my data.
Before anyone gets all righteous on me, let me explain a few realities of what is going on.
Limited Access to Microsoft Products
For the most part, I've been able to avoid having my data and content in a position where it was contributing to the pool of information that was being used to train AI. As an editor, working with the works of other people, this was important for me. However, recently, systems have changed, and I can no longer guarantee that the likes of Microsoft are not using any of the files on my system to train their AI.
Yes, Microsoft.
I'm a Windows user. I've always been a Windows user, and I don't see that changing any time soon… simply because I don't like the interface associated with Mac. (And that single button mouse doesn't work with my brain.)
Well, for a few years now, I've been using the Microsoft Lens app on my phone to scan in receipts (taking photos of them that are scanned and flattened automatically), creating PDF files that get saved to my OneDrive. For tax purposes (and for warranties), I need to keep copies of those receipts on New Zealand-based servers, and OneDrive just happens to have NZ-based systems.
Roughly back in October 2024, I did my normal "take a picture" and approve the scan actions, then went to export the PDF to my OneDrive, only to be told that I couldn't. The reason: I had to grant permission for Microsoft to use my documents to train their AI. If I chose to NOT grant the permission, then I couldn't even get my images out of the app.
I growled incessantly at my phone, because I had been using the Microsoft Lens app for years. Suddenly, I couldn't use a feature that I had been using for years unless I gave Microsoft permission to do what they wanted to with my documents. What the…? (And yes, I'm repeating myself… a lot.)
A few weeks later, Microsoft rolled out their new version of Office 365, which has Copilot embedded in it… and you can't turn the stupid thing off. And we didn't get a say. It was just suddenly there… and intrusive.
Microsoft have since released an advisory note on how to roll your installed version back to the pre-Copilot version, but the license options to remove Copilot is just a mess. They are there. You can select to change your subscription to be "without AI tools", but the option is buried. And it's buried on the "Cancel subscription" page, of all places.
I haven't decided yet if I'll be changing my subscription to rid myself Copilot or not, because it turns out that a few of the features that I've been using within the MS Office suite are actually tied to the AI tools. If I go back and get rid of Copilot, I get rid of the features that I've come to like.
But it's the fact that I must also give permission to Microsoft to use my documents to train their AI that has made me grumpy. Not only do I have to pay for the AI-related features by way of an increased subscription fee, but I also have to pay by way of my content for training purposes.
Google also requires training permission
Much to my annoyance, this AI-training clause seems to be present in many other systems too, including Google.
I openly admit that I'm an Android fan, and my preferred browser is Google Chrome. I tried using an iPhone once. I had one for a few years... until I manage to save the money to go back to a Samsung Galaxy phone. I prefer Samsung Galaxy. Accept it, because I have. I do own an iPad Mini, but that's so I have an Apple device so I can see what my ebooks look like on the iOS system. But for normal functionality, I still favor Android. And even on the iPad, I favor Google Chrome.
But these AI-training clauses are causing issues with the Google systems too.
It's one of the terms of service that if you use Google Docs (and the related products), that you need to grant permission for Google to use your content to train their own AI systems. And you don't get the option of opting out.
So, Microsoft and Google (two mega companies who are the developers of systems that are heavily embedded in my daily practices) are now insisting that I grant permission for my content to be used to train their AI algorithms. And if I don't agree, I can't use their systems.
And the happiness level is now in the sewer.
Social Media is also on the AI train
But it's not just Microsoft and Google who are insisting that my content be used for AI-training. Meta has joined them, with new Terms of Service that came into effect on January 1, 2025. And their ToS is retroactive, meaning any content posted prior to January 1 is also subjected to the new AI-training clause.
So, if you use Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Whatsapp, or Messenger, your content can be used to train AI.
They have always been allowed to use your content for marketing purposes and research. That particular clause has been on the Instagram site for many years. But now the clauses are Meta-wide and extend to AI-training.
Whether you like it or not, our content is being used to train AI.
Is this legal?
Unfortunately, what the big companies are doing is perfectly legal. They are allowed to set the terms of service to anything they like. And it's our choice to use their services or not.
So, it really comes down to a question of whether we're going to just lump it and carry on like business is usual (though it certainly isn't usual) or find an alternative.
I don't have the energy anymore
For myself, I've decided that I just don't have the energy to fight what was clearly a losing argument. I will find alternatives to systems that are unstable and causing a hinderance in me achieving my ultimate goals. Otherwise… Fine, whatever.
I know this will mean that some clients will no longer be seeking my services, because I can no longer guarantee that their manuscripts are not being used to train AI. Just by sending the documents via email means that the documents might be added to the pool of training documents. And if that client used Google Docs at any point during the development of that manuscript, well… their manuscript might have been included in the AI-training pool prior to the manuscript ever finding my systems.
I will continue to use OneDrive, because it's one of the few cloud services that have a NZ-based server (a requirement for my tax documents in case I'm ever audited). And I like having access to my files regardless of the device I happen to be using. (Besides, syncing cloud drives is the fastest (and most reliable) way to transfer files between the laptop and the desktop…without thinking about it.)
I will continue to use Google services, because I like Google Calendar, and I have my time sheets tracker set up to use Google Sheets. I also conduct surveys using Google Forms.
And I will continue to use Facebook, Messenger, and the like, because I actually LIKE Facebook. I like Instagram. And Messenger is handy when talking to my family and friends.
I don't like the idea that my content is potentially being added to the pool for AI-training, but… whatever. I don't like it, but I don't have the energy to fight it. I have too many other things to do that require my energy. This is one argument not worth it… not anymore… at least, not for me.
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Copyright © 2025 Judy L Mohr. All rights reserved.
This article first appeared on judylmohr.com
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