2024: Reflecting on a Year of Change

I will be the first to admit that my writing career so far has been one hell of a roller coaster. And there are a lot of ups and downs still to come. But as we approach the end of the year, there is one thing that I can say with pride about 2024.

It was a year of mental growth.

It's time to take a step back, slow down a bit, and reflect on the year that has just been. I need to celebrate my growth and my little wins for what they are. Only then will I be able to move into the new year with my head held high, ready for whatever roller coaster dips and twists are coming my way.

So, let's get into the nitty-gritty of 2024.

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Woman watching the sunset

Shifting Tactics: Going ALL IN to the Self-Publishing Road

It wasn't an easy decision. And I've been sitting on the fence for years. I've been watching what is happening within the industry, including on the traditional path, and there were things that made me nervous.

Initially, I had my heart set on certain things, but as time moved on (and my priorities changed), I realized that I was really holding on to certain ideals out of fear. But there were a few things that were just breaking my heart and setting my career plans back further and further, and impacting on my editorial career, too. I just couldn't do it anymore. I had to make a decision to commit properly in one direction or another.

So, I finally made the decision to toss in the towel for the traditional path and go All In for the self-publication road.

As a professional writing coach and developmental editor, I am still highly supportive of those wishing to pursue the traditional publication path. And there are some writers that I have encouraged to take that chance, knowing that "now" is the time for their story in the market. But the decision for publication path needs to be a personal one. And it needs to be a decision that is carefully considered given the truths about all publication options. It needs to be a well-informed decision.

If you are willing to stick around, I'll break it down and hopefully explain why I've made the decision for myself to head down self-publication roads.

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Woman watching the sunset

I have to do it MY way

At the end of March 2023, I attended the NZSA Roadshow in Christchurch, New Zealand, which was a series of workshops and panels for writers (not readers). It had been some time since I had gone to one of those events, and I knew that part of my 2023 reconnection was to also reconnect with the writing community.

So, I went with an open mind, not quite sure what I would take away from the day. And it was within the first session of the day that I was blown away and brought to tears (in a good way).

The day started with an interview discussion with Witi Ihimaera. I know the name won't mean much to my readers (the name didn't mean much to me either), but as I listened to this 80yo writer, listening to his philosophies towards creating a writing life that you can feel proud of, there was one theme that ran through everything that he was talking about. He did it in a way that was true to who he is as a person… and he's still learning and growing and still trying to stay true to who he is as a person.

He's doing it his way.

As that session ended, I just looked up at the ceiling. "Okay… okay… I get the message."

And even as I write this, the tears are flowing because the message is so loud and clear. In moving forward within my writing career (and within my life), I have to do things my way.

Let me set the stage for the significance and importance of such a profound message.

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The Yearly Wheel Keeps Turning: Bring in 2022

It's that time of year again, when I sit down and look at everything that I had set out to do for 2021 and assess what I can do to influence my successes in the coming year. More often than not, I'm reminded of something that was a massive step forward that I had completely forgotten about in the wake of all the negative.

Between COVID-Delta and the constant stream of lockdowns, the crazy of copyright laws, the push for increasing diversity, and all crazy that has ensued in my personal life, there is only one thing that I can do: focus on what I can control and breathe. (Okay, that's two things.)

And my biggest lesson in 2021 is that I need to learn how to say "No."

Today's post is long, but it is what it is.

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