What have I done? (Cover reveal)

I'm sitting here, not really knowing how to feel: excited, nervous, giddy, panicked.

For the past few months, I've been working hard on writing a book on the pitfalls of building an online platform. Everything is coming together.

There is still some editing to do... But release day is only three months away. 


So... Here it is... The cover for my book...

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Aspiring Writer: The Sequel

In a post last year, I spoke about the term aspiring writer and how it’s a term that I dislike. Back then, I had this wonderful circular argument about how if you write, then you are a writer — no aspiring about it. Regardless, I still see an insane number of people who insist on calling themselves aspiring writers.

Back when that original post first came out, someone had commented on one of my Facebook discussion groups that the term writer referred to a person who was paid to write.

To be fair, the term applies to people who want to make a career out of writing. Writer is a professional term.

You have no idea how much my skin crawls at this concept. Clearly, my arguments using the definitions in Merrian-Webster were insufficient to get my point across. Perhaps the Oxford English Dictionary might sway the ideas. So here goes.Read More

When Did Touch Become Non-tactile?

Random thoughts seem to hit me at the oddest of times, and the other morning was no different.

My husband’s alarm decided that it wasn’t doing a good enough job in getting my husband’s attention, so it decided to wake me up instead. Yes, this inanimate object has decision-making skills. Curse you, Siri. So, there I was groaning internally, barely able to function because I went to bed way too late, wondering when the hell my husband was going to turn off his alarm.

After a good solid minute of the disgusting attempt at serenade music—perhaps it was less, but I couldn’t tell—I rolled over to give him a good shove, only to discover that he wasn’t there. He must have been in the shower or in the lounge having his breakfast, but wherever he was, he left his rude phone on the bedside table.

Grunting with effort, I dragged myself across the bed and grabbed his phone, expecting to see the same type of thing that my phone does when an alarm goes off—swipe circles. Nope. It turns out that iPhones don’t work the same way Androids do. So, I activated the screen and touched the off button.

Then it hit me. When did touch become non-tactile?Read More

Manuscript is too long, so split it… NOT!!!

I have lost count of the number of times that someone has told me that I should take my long manuscript and split it into two (or three) and call it done. This particular conversation comes up every single time I mention to anyone how long my manuscript is, and it’s actually not outrageously long — it just happens to be over 100,000 words. But let’s face it, my work is high fantasy, and I would struggle to think of any high fantasy novel that wasn’t over 100,000 words (a high fantasy intended for adult audiences).Read More