Okay, people are probably looking at the title for this post and are struggling to see the connection between all three things listed. Teenagers and online gaming: easy connection. A large number of teenage boys are gamers. Teenagers and showers: well, if you have a teenage boy, you’ll understand. Online gaming and showers… Just wait. It’s social media at its best.
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Conference recovery and motivation
My followers on Facebook and Twitter will know that I recently attended the RWNZ Conference in Rotorua, New Zealand. I had forgotten how beautiful that part of the country was — and how smelly. Let’s face it, there is a reason that many Kiwis affectionately call the region Rotten-rua: the entire region is dominated by active volcanic activity which often leaves a sulfur smell hanging in the air. (Nothing like the smell of rotten eggs in the morning.)
However, my trip to Rotorua was awesome on so many levels. It helped me to get my head on straight and to see things for the way they really are.
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My head is still spinning. Hidden Traps is OUT!
It’s been two weeks since my nonfiction book Hidden Traps was released, but I haven’t had a chance to breathe. The lead up to release was filled with preparation of supplementary materials and handouts, guest blog posts, and interviews for radio and video broadcasts. On release day, I ran my first webinar. This weekend, I’m presenting at the RWNZ conference on this topic.
There’s so much to do, and this is on top of my normal schedule. What exactly have I gotten myself into?
Let’s take a step back and look at where this book started and the steps along the way.