Dancing in the Purple Rain

Dancing in the Purple Rain

Being special can make you a target

In a poisoned world, Michaella, a genetically engineered telepath, uncovers a web of lies and implanted memories when her closest friend is killed. Michaella must now rely only on her personal AI and a 200-year-old playing card as she attempts to maintain her grip on reality to save herself and future generations from becoming emotionless automatons.

The rain starts August 1st, 2025.

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About the Book

In a world ravaged by pandemics and poisoned by acid rain, experimental pharmaceuticals are used to genetically engineer the population to adapt to the toxic atmosphere. However, unexpected results have created drug-dependent individuals and powerful telepaths. Among them is Michaella, a telepath tasked by the Pregutor to keep the truth hidden from the public.

But Michaella’s abilities have made her the unknowing pawn in a dangerous game between those who seek to use her abilities and those who want to suppress them. When her closest friend is killed, Michaella uncovers a web of lies and implanted memories, which makes her question who she can trust.

Can she trust her handler?
Her teammates? The geneticists?
The mysterious voice in her head?
Or even her own memories?

As danger escalates, Michaella becomes haunted by visions and her grip on reality begins to slip. With only her personal AI, Alice, and a 200-year-old playing card as her guides, Michaella must rely on the last shreds of real emotion within her to save herself and future generations from becoming emotionless automatons.


For fans of dystopian worlds and powerful heroines, “Dancing in the Purple Rain” is a thrilling sci-fi novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand.

Genres: Science Fiction, Technothriller, Thriller
Tag: Coming Soon
Publisher: Black Wolf Publications
Publication Year: 2025
ISBN: 9781738625123
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