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Author Bios
Micro Bio
Kiwi Judy L Mohr is a writer, book doctor, and science nerd. Check out her crazy adventures on Instagram (@JudyLMohr).
Short Bio
Kiwi Judy L Mohr is a writer, developmental editor, writing coach, amateur photographer, and a science nerd with a keen interest in internet technologies and social media security. Her knowledge ranges from highly efficient ways to hide the bodies through to how to improve your SEO rankings for your websites. When she isn’t writing, editing, or doing something within the local writing community, she can often be found with a camera in her hand enjoying the world around her—no doubt scouting for locations to hide the bodies. (Shh… Don't tell anyone.) Follow her crazy adventures on her blog ( or on Instagram (@JudyLMohr).
For editorial advice or writing tidbits, check out the Black Wolf Editor’s Blog (
Medium-Length Bio
Kiwi Judy L Mohr (pronounced “more”) wears many hats. Writer. Editor. Writing Coach. Amateur photographer. Mother. Wife. Science geek. And time traveler.
Her book Hidden Traps of the Internet focuses on how one can protect themselves on the internet, highlighting the many security and financial loopholes that exist within the different components that go into building an online platform. Judy is also a contributor to Putting the Science in Fiction, published by Writer’s Digest in 2018. For her fiction, Judy was awarded an Honorable Mention in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest in 2020, and was a semi-quarter finalist in the ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition in 2022.
She's a member of the New Zealand Society of Authors, Sisters in Crime, the Australian Crime Writers' Association, SpecFic New Zealand, and the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA). Judy is also the co-founder of Canterbury Writers, an online network for writers in her home region and the international stage. (Yes, she gladly admits that she's an overachiever.)
To throw a little more crazy into her life, Judy is a mother of two young adults and a cat. When she isn't writing, editing, or volunteering in her local community, she can be found in her backyard with a camera in her hand, enjoying the world around her — no doubt scouting for locations to hide the bodies. (Shh… Don't tell anyone.)
Oh… That time traveler thing… Judy lives in New Zealand, the land of the Hobbits. And because she lives in New Zealand, she experiences winter when everyone else is in summer (and vice versa), and she is a day ahead of those in North America and Europe.
You can find out more about Judy's various projects on her personal website ( or follow her on Instagram (@JudyLMohr). For editorial advice or writing tidbits, check out the Black Wolf Editor's Blog (
Social Media
Latest Books
Dancing in the Purple Rain
In a poisoned world, Michaella, a genetically engineered telepath, uncovers a web of lies and implanted memories when her closest friend is killed. Michaella must now rely only on her personal AI and a 200-year-old playing card as she attempts to maintain her grip on reality to save herself and future generations from becoming emotionless automatons.
The rain starts August 1st, 2025.
More info →Hidden Traps of the Internet: Building and Protecting Your Online Platform
Building an online platform is an overwhelming and daunting task, with many pitfalls and horror stories surrounding the internet. It’s not surprising that many writers shy away from online activities, putting that online presence into the do-it-later category. But to survive in today’s publishing industry, a writer needs to be online.
This book focuses on how to build an online platform in a safe manner. Judy L Mohr (writer, editor, and writing coach) talks you through the various components of an online platform, showing you the tricks to staying safe online, carving out your own little corner of the internet while building that author platform.
Available in print and ebook.
More info →Putting the Science in Fiction
Science and technology have starring roles in a wide range of genres—science fiction, fantasy, thriller, mystery, and more. Unfortunately, many depictions of technical subjects in literature, film, and television are pure fiction. A basic understanding of biology, physics, engineering, and medicine will help you create more realistic stories that satisfy discerning readers.
This book brings together scientists, physicians, engineers, and other experts to help you.
More info →